Goal: Get More Positive Reviews!
Practical Use Case:
As each appointment is marked as completed, the Review Automation recipe springs into action!
1. Thanks your Client (via email or text message Facebook Messenger - depending on your o their preference)
2. Asks for a rating by clicking on a selection of 5 stars.
3. If the client selects 1-3 stars, they’re taken to your own feedback form to find out what could’ve been done better.
4. If 4 or 5 stars are selected, they’re taken to a page that asks for a public review on Google or Facebook.
This simple recipe quickly boosts your positive sentiment and review count publicly. Even those who are not as thrilled about their recent experience will appreciate the ability to voice their opinions and air their concerns. Either way, this is a major plus in your favour!
Bonus Result:
Google rewards highly reviewed businesses with better organic rankings.
All our plans include the Review Automation module and free setup.
We collectively come up with appropriate messaging, timing, followups (we help you put it together). Once set up, it is entirely automated!
Make this simple addition to your standard operating procedure and watch your positive reviews skyrocket, boosting your reputation!