Texting for business with SimpleUP!

Turn any computer anywhere into a smart phon

2 Way Texting For Business

  • Turn any computer anywhere into a smart phone
  • Manage text or email conversations from your full-size keyboard
  • Save TONS of time communicating
  • Use templated messages to save even more time (send directions, forms, re-bookings etc)
  • Automatically send intelligent reminders or followups
  • Automatically process answers

SimpleUP! Communications Dashboard

  • Handle voice calls, texts and Facebook Messenger from a central dashboard
  • Optionally record calls if you so desire
  • Templated, manual, scheduled and intelligent bulk messaging over any channel
  • MASSIVE time savings running the office!

Client re-engagement Campaigns

  • Stay top-of-mind with your Clients, automatically
  • Improve your return Client rate
  • Periodically send out personal “hi, how are you doing, haven’t heard from you in a while” messages over email or text, automatically.
90% of leads would rather be texted than called.
89% want the option of texting to communicate with businesses.
Texting has a 295% higher response rate than phone calls.
Messaging is the #1 preferred channel for consumers in North America.